Health center and quilombola school: the struggle changes life

Here's a Wikipedia article explaining what "quilombola" stands for

Transquilombo: this is how the bumpy road that connects all quilombos to the south bank of the Maicá River is called by close ones. By it, leaving the Bom Jardim quilombo you can reach Tiningu in just a few minutes. And it is in Tiningu that Bena is found, or rather: Raimundo Benedito da Silva Mota, historical character of the region – I have been following the leaders since I was 15 years old, today I am 60: 45 years of struggle. Today, Bena is president of the Quilombo Tiningu Remnants Association and vice president of FOQS (Federation of Quilombola Organizations in Santarém, in English).

45 years: Bena has seen the world come and go and come back and remain where it is, so he speaks calmly. And he recommends calm too – This is an area for who managed to escape from the “senzalas” [slave quarters]; you have to be patient with the historical moment. The Tiningu community has existed since 1844 – it is 176 years old – and it was only in October 2018 that Incra (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform, in English) published the community recognition and demarcation decree in the Official Gazette. The white bureaucracy was late by almost two centuries – and there is still one last step for the final title: the signature of the President of the Republic. He, Jair Bolsonaro, the same who said – I went to a quilombo once. The lightest African descendant there weighed a hundred kilos. They do nothing. I don’t think he was usefull even as a breeder; and also – As far as I’m concerned, everyone will have a gun at home, there won’t be an inch demarcated for indigenous reservation or quilombola. Obviously these racist speeches echo in the racist structures of the Brazilian State: for example, the allocation of public resources for the titling of quilombola territories has fallen by more than 97% in the last five years.

This is part of the story “What really happens in the Amazon Forest”. Browse content:

Part 1 (central page): What really happens in the Amazon Forest
Part 2: Who is favored by Bolsonaro’s responses to the fires?
Part 3: The “win-win” of companies with the financialization of nature
Part 4: But after all, who is behind these crimes?

1) The siege explained on a map
2) A port stuck in the “mouth” of the river
3) Before the port arrives (if it does), the impacts already did
4) [you are here] Health center and quilombola school: the struggle changes life
5) Curuaúna: on one side, soy. And on the other? Also soy

Even so, Bena doesn’t lose his temper: what are four years, or a handful more, in the face of centuries of resistance – Uncle Babá who told me all stories, he was 108 years old, and Bena still keeps the oral tradition alive and tells and retells the stories of Tiningu, from the days when his neighbors and family members had to leave the region because the children suffered from anemia and there was no health center nearby; so it was necessary to row for almost two hours until reaching Santarém, but the adults also lacked strength because they lacked food as well, regardless of age, and also lacked education: so everyone left for Santarém and went to live on the periphery of the city, leaving behind their culture and their place in the world.

Bena tells and retells the stories of Tiningu. Photo: Carol Ferraz / Amigos da Terra Brasil
Bena in front of one of the ponds in the region, which also brought conflicts with farmers that try to privatized the water sources. Photo: Carol Ferraz/Amigos da Terra Brasil
Access to education and health in the communities are the result of quilombola organization and struggle. Photo: Carol Ferraz / Friends of the Earth Brazil
Deforestation generated by the expansion of soy, in addition to the high use of pesticides in the cultivation of the grain, impact the communities of the region. Photo: Carol Ferraz / Amigos da Terra Brasil

Until one day they came back, and they came back because it was worth going back, and then the families stopped leaving. There is no chance there: everything happened due to the organization of the quilombola struggle, initiated by Bena himself, who one day at a seminar in the capital Belém discovered himself to be quilombola: he heard about studies regarding the territory of Tiningu and its history, which proved to be an area of slave remnants there.

Bena brought this information to the community and was surprised: many of his black neighbors refused to be called quilombolas, reproducing a discourse of prejudice against this population.

At the first meeting convened to discuss the issue, only 17 families appeared – Bena’s brother, his parents and his uncles included. Very few. But time passed, the struggle continued, and the quilombola association managed, pressuring the Santarém City Hall, to get funding for a health center and a new school, now with elementary school – before, there was only one nursery school in the region. As soon as today in Tiningu, 90 families call themselves quilombolas and proudly await the title of their land, a measure that will bring security to conflicts with local farmers.

Conflicts with local farmers: cut in access to water and murder
One of them, a neighbor on a higher land, claiming to own the pond between his farm and the quilombo, cut off access to water for the entire community. Even the health center was short of supplies and had to stop attending. The case went to Court.

In the name of the memory of his people, Bena takes good care of the local cemetery – the area was in dispute with another farmer, who had to give in due to the historical importance of the site. The land of this farm is now cut out by a square where gravestones with bodies and stories of struggle are buried. It is there that he recalls another recent case: the keeper of another farm, in a conflict of little explanation, murdered one of the quilombolas, supposedly after a fight. He is a fugitive to this today.

In the name of memory, Bena outlines a plan: to transform the old children’s school into a museum of quilombola history in the region. Uncle Babá’s oral record will gain historical preservation and no one will ever again forget that the struggle changes life.

Return to the central page “What really happens in the Amazon Forest

Also read parts 2, 3 and 4 of the introduction:
Who is favored with Bolsonaro’s responses to the fires?
The “win-win” of companies with the financialization of nature
But after all, who is behind these crimes?

And the stories:
The siege explained on a map
A port stuck in the “mouth” of the river
Before the port arrives (if it does), the impacts already did
– [you are here] Health center and quilombola school: the struggle changes life
Curuaúna: on one side, soy. And on the other? Also soy

Curuaúna: on one side, soy. And on the other? Also soy

Above Tiningu and Bom Jardim communities, one reaches the Curuaúna region. Poison oozes from the vast soy fields towards the quilombos and the waters of the Maicá River.

Driving and walking around the region, Francinaldo Miranda, member of the Union of Rural Workers and Family Farmers of Santarém (STTR-STM), shows the skillful architecture of soybean farmers, or perhaps the skill in design of environments – This is thepuxadinho”, which comes down to a small advance – no more than two or three meters – from the soybean field towards the standing forest; then the forest is burned little by little year by year as if nothing is happening. Slowly soy takes up all the available space – as if it needed to grow more: today, it can be said that in the middle of the soy field there’s a forest (there’s a forest in the middle of the soybean field) – And they build this “wall” so that the view of the road is blocked. Nobody sees anything and the forest seems to be alright. The wall in question is a thin strip of trees that does fulfill its role: it is only by going around it that one can contemplate the immensity of soy – soy to be lost sight of, on one side, on the other side, ahead and behind. However, from the road, it is as if the trees were still standing tall.

This is one of the stories of “What really happens in the Amazon Forest”. Browse content:

Part 1 (central page): What really happens in the Amazon Forest
Part 2: Who is favored by Bolsonaro’s responses to the fires?
Part 3: The “win-win” of companies with the financialization of nature
Part 4: But after all, who is behind these crimes?

1) The siege explained on a map
2) A port stuck in the “mouth” of the river
3) Before the port arrives (if it does), the impacts already did
4) Health center and quilombola school: the struggle changes life
5) [you are here] Curuaúna: on one side, soy. On the other? Soy also
6) A face printed on a T-shirt

The impacts on the forest and on local communities are tremendous: soy represents land grabbing, fires, deforestation, vast use of pesticides, in addition to needing an entire infrastructure for its transport and export, which also impacts the peoples of the region. But some cases reach the absurd: as the situation of a small school in the community of Boa Sorte (and the name seems a sadistic irony of life: Boa Sorte means “good luck” in English). The distance between the classroom window and the soybean field does not reach two meters, and the most serious: the use of pesticides does not respect school hours and is repeated several times a year. Contamination of children is direct and repeated.

The Curuaúna region is so impacted by the use of pesticides (the main one is glyphosateMonsanto’s Round-Up) that blood has been collected from residents and studies are being carried out to measure the size of the damage to people’s health. The results of this research have not yet been released. Other studies, however, are available: this is the case of the dissertation by Nayara Luiz Pires, from the University of Brasília, who in 2015 researched the expansion of the agricultural frontier in the Amazon and the contamination by glyphosate in the Santarém region. In it, the researcher states “a probable risk of human exposure to pesticides, mainly through the respiratory tract“.

Castanheira, a tree protected by law, survives alone in the middle of mocultures fields. Photo: Carol Ferraz / Amigos da Terra Brasil
School surrounded by soy: use of poison does not respect school hours and children are directly affected. Photograph: Carol Ferraz / Amigos da Terra Brasil
Burnt area for the expansion of soy cultivation: the practice of “puxadinho” is widely used in the Amazon region, and consists of gradually increasing the size of the land, meter by meter. Photo: Carol Ferraz / Amigos da Terra Brasil
With the advance of monocultures in the Amazon, the forest turns to ashes. Photo: Carol Ferraz / Friends of the Earth Brazil
With the constant use of pesticides, few things grow on a land that was once fertile. Photo: Carol Ferraz / Amigos da Terra Brasil

Soy “ghost-towns”
Many families do not wait to find out how harmful pesticides are and how fast they are killing them. Thus, communities are gradually being abandoned, disappearing from the map, ceasing to exist – There was a football field here, – There were a lot of houses there, – Here was a school, shows Francinaldo as you go along the road that cuts through the fields of soy.

Even the traditional football matches between neighboring communities are in danger of not happening anymore, simply because ghost towns do not have football teams: no one else will be able to challenge the feared São Jorge, the team to be beaten in the region. Francinaldo, a native of the Curuaúna area, was a goalkeeper and tells when – The striker was just a few meters from me and was one of those who kicked hard, my friend even, but he kicked with anger, and the ball was so fast, but so fast, that it tore Francinaldo’s belly, what he only discovered later, after the match, as he dragged himself with the bike home so as not to accuse the pain in front of the opponent. It even required surgery and it took years to fully recover. Most importantly, however, he succeeded: he defended the kick.

Thay’s what the advance of agribusinness and monocultives mean: in addition to death and contamination and land grabbing, the end of culture and local life.

Return to the central page “What really happens in the Amazon Forest

Also read parts 2, 3 and 4 of the introduction:
Who is favored with Bolsonaro’s responses to the fires?
The “win-win” of companies with the financialization of nature
But after all, who is behind these crimes?

And the stories:
The siege explained on a map
A port stuck in the “mouth” of the river
Before the port arrives (if it does), the impacts already did
Health center and quilombola school: the struggle changes life
– [you are here] Curuaúna: on one side, soy. On the other? Soy also
A face printed on a T-shirt

A face printed on a T-shirt

The eyes pointed straight at the print on the shirt and there they got lost, taking a long time to return – Is it Maria do Espírito Santo? It’s her, isn’t it?, and the answer was “yes”.

Who asked about the image that appeared on the T-shirt of one of those present at the celebration of the 46th anniversary of the Union of Rural Workers and Family Farmers of Santarém (STTR-STM) was Maria Ivete Bastos dos Santos, 52 years old – seven of them dedicated to the presidency of the organization, between 2002 and 2008. Chico Mendes, Marielle Franco, Dorothy Stang, Berta Cáceres, among others, were also looking at her from the white fabric of the shirt, with serious look. The print was a tribute to the defenders of territories murdered in Brazil and in Latin America in recent decades, as well as a protest for the lack of solutions to these crimes.

“Who ordered the kill?” – Marielle Franco, Mestre Moa do Katendê, Berta Cáceres, Nicinha, Chico Mendes, Zé Cláudio, Maria do Espírito Santo, Dorothy Stang and Amarildo: that was the print on the T-shirt that surprised Maria Ivete. Art by Amigos da Terra Brasil

The voice trembled for a second before returning to the usual firmness: seeing the face of her friend Maria do Espírito Santo caught the other Maria, Ivete, unprepared – I wasn’t expecting to see her today, and from then on she remembered: and sometimes memories are a heavy hurtful burden.

This is one of the stories in the story “What really happens in the Amazon Forest”. Browse content:

Part 1 (central page): What really happens in the Amazon Forest
Part 2: Who is favored by Bolsonaro’s responses to the fires?
Part 3: The “win-win” of companies with the financialization of nature
Part 4: After all, who is behind these crimes?

1) The siege explained on a map
2) A port stuck in the “mouth” of the river
3) Before the port arrives (if it does), the impacts already did
4) Health center and quilombola school: the struggle changes life
5) Curuaúna: on one side, soy. On the other? Soy also
6) [you are here] A face printed on a T-shirt
7) The motorcycle night

In the state of Pará, one of the most dangerous for those who defend the rights of peoples, the two Marias fought side by side. Maria Ivete, president of STTR-STM, in addition to other positions she has held in the union over the years; and Maria do Espírito Santo, who with her husband Zé Cláudio worked and lived at Praia Alta Pirandeira Agroextractive Settlement, in Nova Ipixuna, near Marabá. Facing illegal loggers and ruralists in the region, the couple were constantly threatened. Zé Cláudio already knew about his destiny, that he was going to die, and he told the world about it – but the effort didn’t make a difference: both were murdered by gunmen in an ambush inside the reserve where they worked for 24 years.

Zé Cláudio speaks at a TEDx. Subtitles in English available.

The cowardly crime occurred in 2011. Since then it has been nine years of mourning for Maria Ivete – I told her not to take the bike that day, although she knows this is a mere detail – It is not a threat what we suffer: it is a sentence, and it is almost as if it were only a matter of time before the ordered death finds the condemned life it’s supposed to take. In the meantime, the threat is a kind of anticipation of death to life, an absurd inversion in the natural order of things. The sentence that hangs over so many heads prevents life from being lived to its fullest – although, strictly speaking, one is still alive, and the heart still beats and the lung still breathes and the brain still remembers, at hard costs.

As that case took on large proportions and had international repercussions, the two gunmen who murdered Maria do Espírito Santo and Zé Cláudio were condemned by the courts. The person who ordered the crime, after being acquitted in 2013, went to a new trial three years later and was found guilty. The penalty: 60 years in prison. However, only one of the killers is in jail. José Rodrigues Moreira (the one who gave the order) and his brother, Lindonjohnson Silva Rocha (executor), have been at large since November 2015 – I can’t speak of justice, so I speak of injustice, and that’s the reference, after all: injustice is what is known and experienced, leaving its opposite – justice – somewhere on the horizon, distant and unreal.

Maria Ivete was president of the Rural Union of Santarém between 2002 and 2008. Photo: Carol Ferraz / Amigos da Terra Brasil

Protection for defenders of peoples’ rights is still insufficient
In Pará alone – and still in 2017 – 90 people were on the list to join the Program for Protection of Human Rights Defenders (PPDDH). The state is the third with the highest number of people within the program. For Maria Ivete, it has been around ten years living with escorts, restrictions on hours and movements: today, she is accompanied by the State Program for Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Pará, which accompanies 77 people there. But it is not security what she feels, on the contrary: to live with protection is to remember the threat of death daily – I don’t go to parties, in the places we go we don’t go out to a bar, nothing.

The PPDDH – although an important advancement (it came up as a reaction to the murder of the missionary Dorothy Stang, also in Pará in 2005) – is still quite precarious. It needs articulation in the states; however, it has programs implemented through agreements in only six – Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Ceará, Minas Gerais and Maranhão. In Pará, operationalization takes place through a central in the capital Brasília.

The main question is yet another: the program proves to be useful only when the situation is already extreme – in cases of persecution and attacks. It is thought that surveillance by the State can at a minimum constrain the work of the murderers. However, ending the attacks on defenders of peoples’ rights requires a structural response: land redistribuition benefiting small farmers and landless workers; as well as the demarcation of indigenous lands and traditional communities. In its recommendations to the Brazilian State, the Brazilian Committee of Defenders of Human Rights speaks of “policies to guarantee the right to land and territory”, which include respect for ILO Convention 169 (International Labor Organization); ensuring community participation in the licensing processes for large projects; the demarcation of indigenous and quilombola lands; the restructuring of Incra and Funai (governmental institutions responsible for land and indigenous issues, respectively) to better serve the population; advancing on land reform.

With structural changes to defend peoples and their territories, fewer faces will appear on T-shirts in late tributes to those who lost their lives in the name of peoples’ rights.

Return to the central page “What really happens in the Amazon Forest

Also read parts 2, 3 and 4 of the introduction:
Who is favored by Bolsonaro’s responses to the fires?
The “win-win” of companies with the financialization of nature
But after all, who is behind these crimes?

And the stories:
The siege explained on a map
A port stuck in the “mouth” of the river
Before the port arrives (if it does), the impacts already did
Health center and quilombola school: the struggle changes life
Curuaúna: on one side, soy. On the other? Soy also
– [you are here] A face printed on a shirt
The motorcycle night

The motorcycle night

Vruuuum vruuum vruuuuuum and the noise woke José Marques da Costa, a rural worker from Alenquer, a small municipality in the state of Pará with just over 50 thousand inhabitants. Of the 53 years that José carries on his shoulders, most of it was filled with restless nights: there’s no easy sleep in the corners of Brazil for those who dare to defend the rights of small farmers and rural workers – exactly what José does, and when he heard the fourth vruuum he stood up, alert.

A few months earlier, new messages had reached him (always indirectly, cowardly warning, “send word”) – We will kill about five of you people, they will not even know and – Justice is slow, in the bullet we can solve it faster. If before José slept with one eye open he started to open them both on nights of little or no rest. And if television seemed like a good medicine to make him sleep what actually happened was the opposite: the dragging voice of the current president of the Brazilian Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, echoed from the device and only aggravated José’s insomnia by saying things like – Who should have been arrested were the MST people (Landless Workers Movement), those vagabonds. The policemen reacted so as not to die, and – Let’s shoot who is from the Labour Party in the state of Acre, huh! Hate speech that encourages and materializes violence against rural workers in the Amazon Region and in Brazil: against him, José. The first Bolsonaro’s sentence refers to the Carajás Massacre, when the police in Pará murdered 19 landless workers in cold blood; the second was said during the 2018 presidential campaign.

Vruuuum vruum followed the noise, and José Marques risked a glance out on the street.

Motorcycles. Many motorcycles – One, two, three, half a dozen, nine, ten, he was counting, but the task was hampered by the constant circular movement of the vehicles, accelerating and decelerating in front of the house. Twenty, it must have been something near that, and soon José started to focus not on the bikes but on who rode them: that was certainly a matter of greater importance. That was when he saw neighbors, friends, colleagues, and the fear that had settled in his chest gave way to a little curiosity – What are you all doing here at this hour? and then commotion took place: the circus set up there was not an ambush. On the contrary, it was an escort to protect him exactly from attack and possible murder.

Since the end of the day the rumor had run through the small town that gunmen – All very treacherous, they’ll drink a coffee at your house before killing you, these treacherous gunmen were lurking on the road, ready to attack José Marques when he left home. Death ordered by the big farmers in the region. The twenty or so motorcycles would serve – and did serve – as a shield to take José Marques to a safe place. That was how he got on his motorcycle, in the middle of the night of little Alenquer, took off and lived to fight another day among and for his people.

At the top, José Marques; in the other images, a map of the region in conflict and records of irregularities and violations of rights committed by land grabbers, who took down trees and destroyed the only access bridge to the site. Photos: Carol Ferraz / Amigos da Terra Brasil

Land grabbing: overlapped CAR and “Four Years of Storm”
What led gunmen to pursue José Marques is related to the long-named position he carries: president of the Community Association of Residents and Small Farmers of the Limão Grande Community, located in Alenquer. There, 86 families lived and worked in an area of around ten thousand hectares – until, in 2016, what José called “Four Years of Storm” began.

First, there was the requisition – by farmers – of three thousand hectares of the area where the families lived. In consultation with Incra (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform, in English), with the support of the Union of Rural Workers and Family Farmers of Alenquer (STTR-ALQ), it was shown that the request was fair: the families accepted to leave that area, redistributing themselves in the seven thousand remaining hectares. In the meantime, the land was georeferenced, a necessary step for the community to register in CAR (Rural Environmental Registry, in English).

Work done, they returned to Incra and then came the surprise: fifteen days earlier, several people had registered those areas as their own. Suddenly, the land where families have lived since 2007 had “owners” – and they were others. There was never any inspection by Incra to verify if those who registered in CAR actually occupied the self-declared land; if there were one, it would be simple to see who actually occupied the area – They didn’t even know where it is, however José does and this seems to be of no use.

The registration, based on the information provided by the applicant, has no deadline for verification by the competent public agency: some states claim that the analysis of the registrations would take from 25 to 100 years. However, contrary to the popular imaginary of slowness in justice, long before the due inspection could take place, the repossession of the site was decreed – which happened with a strong police apparatus. In short: 86 families were thrown out on the street. Everything they had was left behind – clothes, crops, houses – and what was left behind was set on fire and tored down.

The videos above were recorded by local families. The first one shows the fire consuming a building next to a plantation; the second shows the remaining ruins; the last video denounces the destruction of the only access bridge to the area, a service performed by the henchmen of the land grabbers. In the photo, also made available by residents of Limão Grande, heavily armed private security guards prohibit the movement of rural workers in the disputed territory.


Nowadays private security guards roam the territory. Rifles speak loudly and anyone who ventures to look for something that may have left behind (and sometimes despair is prone to adventures) is at serious risk of being attacked by the land grabbers’ henchmen. Well that’s the true name of what happened: land grabbing – using the overlapping of land in self-declared CAR. Different CPFs (individual registration, in English) called themselves owners of an area that they do not occupy, in anticipation of the real occupants who were preparing the procedures to register in the system. Without any inspection, the Justice determined the repossession of property in the name of the interests of the land grabbers.

One detail draws attention and highlights the intention of taking over the territory of rural workers: when carrying out the CAR on several different CPFs, an area of almost 600 hectares was not overlapped – it would therefore be the right of families to remain there. However, the entire area was evicted, with nothing and no one left behind – There was no respect for eviction protocols, complains José, but in a place where the land is owned by those who neither live nor works at it, very little is expected of a Justice and a police at service of big farmers.

Agrarian inequality and violence in the countryside
The numbers of agrarian inequality in Brazil are alarming: almost half of the country’s rural area belongs to only 1% of landowners. Data from the 2017 Agricultural Census show that large rural establishments raised the concentration of land to 47.5%, while small farmers, whose properties have up to 10 hectares of land and represent half of the country’s farms, occupied only 2, 2% of the productive territory.

Such inequality in land distribution – in addition to emphasizing the urgency of a Land Reform – generates violence: land conflicts killed 2,262 people between 1964 and 2010 in Brazil. In 2017 alone, there were 70 murders, according to data from the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT). And try to guess who dies in these conflicts? Always the little ones: Brazil is at the top of the list of countries where the most defenders of the rights of peoples are killed.

And it is exactly these small farmers, persecuted for defending their territories, that produce more than 70% of the food that reaches the Brazilians family tables, since large monocultures export most of their production. However, Bolsonaro’s government chooses to privilege the interests of ruralists, intensifying attacks on native peoples and trying to legalize land grabbing with PL 2633 (Law Project, in English), the notorious PL of Land Grabbing.

(All of this information is contained in Resolution No. 10 of the National Human Rights Council, of October 17, 2018 – in Portuguese)

Return to the central page “What really happens in the Amazon Forest

Also read parts 2, 3 and 4 of the introduction:
Who is favored by Bolsonaro’s responses to fires?
The “win-win” of companies with the financialization of nature
But after all, who is behind these crimes?

And the stories:
The siege explained on a map
A port stuck in the “mouth” of the river
Before the port arrives (if it does), the impacts are already here
Health clinic and quilombola school: the struggle changes life
Curuaúna: on one side, soy. On the other? Soy also
A face printed on a T-shirt
– [you’re here] The motorcycle night
If well organized, everyone fights

If well organized, everyone fights

It was a long journey: from Santarém to Alenquer it takes two hours by ferry and another three or four hours by car, part of it off-road. So Totó – a much silent man – and Mara – a talkative woman – took the opportunity to tell some of the stories they have witnessed in the past. He as the former president and today vice-president of the Union of Rural Workers and Family Farmers of Alenquer (STTR-ALQ); she as the current president of the organization. In all stories was highlighted the importance of the workers union for the conquest and guarantee of rights, from technical assistance services to the safety of rural workers.

This is the last part in the story “What really happens in the Amazon Forest”. Browse already published content:

Part 1 (central page): What really happens in the Amazon Forest
Part 2: Who is favored by Bolsonaro’s responses to the fires?
Part 3: The “win-win” of companies with the financialization of nature
Part 4: But after all, who is behind these crimes?

1) The siege explained on a map
2) A port stuck in the “mouth” of the river
3) Before the port arrives (if it does), the impacts already did
4) Health center and quilombola school: the struggle changes life
5) Curuaúna: on one side, soy. On the other? Soy also
6) A face printed on a T-shirt
7) The motorcycle night
8) [you are here] If well organized, everyone fights

Alenquer is a small city, just over 50 thousand inhabitants. And it is unstable: mayors don’t usually complete their mandates – it has become a tradition. That same day, while Totó and Mara would tell stories, the president of the City Council took over as mayor in yet another plot-twist of local politics. Years ago in the middle of the unstability, outraged by the absence of public investment in the region…

A pause: Totó, whose real name is João Gomes da Costa and is 47 years old, looks in the rearview mirror and sees a big white truck pass by. When already in front of the car, it starts to drive really slowly – and then it accelerates sharply and disappears on the horizon. Mara, short for Aldemara Ferreira de Jesus, 37 years old, takes a note: the car license plate is from Santarém.

…outraged by the absence of public investment in the region; and also with the delayed payment of teachers and health professionals; and with the poor condition of the roads; to make it short – it was a complete package of indignations: that’s when the people from Alenquer decided to block the main road to the city. That happened after the mayor had refused on several occasions to sit down and talk – he even expelled Totó and Mara from meetings – and took his disinterest to the point that the road had to be blocked by people.

A crowd of workers from different areas gathered on the road: there were rural workers, organized by the union, and also teachers and health workers, and street sweepers, and people from the church – everybody was there – and then the mayor and his secretaries and judges appeared quickly and a meeting was arranged at the City Council later that day. It was agreed that only 50 representatives of civil society could enter and present their demands. Ok, not a problem.

Mara, president of the Rural Workers Union in Alenquer, in the state of Pará. Photo: Carol Ferraz / Amigos da Terra Brasil
Totó, former president of the union and nowadays the vice-president. Photo: Carol Ferraz / Amigos da Terra Brasil

The police “tactic group” arrived first at the City Council – an exaggeration and it was a great embarrassment when even the nuns and the priests were searched to enter the meeting room. Then people spoke – and immediately afterwards without any response or a slight indication that he paid attention the mayor left.

Mara and Totó had no choice but to go out to the front of the City Council to tell what had happened in the building. To their surprise there was a mass of people waiting for the result of the conversation – over a thousand people who obviously were not happy with the news: it started raining eggs and tomatoes on police shields and helmets. From a corner, a desperate cry was heard – Totó, control the people, to which he, Totó, thought – How? but he replied – If there’s anyone to blame here it’s you, you promised to talk and didn’t talk, and the eggs and tomatoes kept flying and exploding in the building walls and on shields, the crowd getting more and more inflamed – and then the mayor and the secretaries reappeared and this time everyone was very willing to listen. Finally agreements were made and commitments signed. Mara laughs now – If the workers understood the strength they have when united… They would never be taken for granted.

Persecution and threats
– Taking the poor people side has a consequence, says Totó, and he knows that quite well. He worries about the threats he receives, he worries about him and his daughter and son, and it took him a few seconds to say – Yes, I’m afraid, we lose our freedom. I think about mine and my children’s schedules, I keep an eye out for anything that is different, everyday I think about how it will be when I get home, if there is an ambush or not. But he sleeps peacefully, he guarantees – We have a clear conscience, although always attentive and concerned.

Concern that Mara shares, along with embarrassments such as when her daughter asks – Mom, what are they talking about you on Facebook?, and there are things that are complicated to explain to children, it’s complex and it’s exhausting and it’s serious: it is serious because sometimes the threats come from the State itself, represented in the men in uniform who should give protection to everyone. Totó reports receiving calls from police officers saying – We are with that farmer, in the intention of intimidating him. The message is very clear and Mara and Totó feels unprotected – Where you would find some protection, you have none, he complains and then prays, trusts in God: and for some of us, in face of a negligent State, only divine protection can be trusted – most useful when added to the union and strength of the workers.

This was the last part in the story “What really happens in the Amazon Forest”. Browse all published content:

Part 1 (central page): What really happens in the Amazon Forest
Part 2: Who is favored by Bolsonaro’s responses to the fires?
Part 3: The “win-win” of companies with the financialization of nature
Part 4: But after all, who is behind these crimes?

1) The siege explained on a map
2) A port stuck in the “mouth” of the river
3) Before the port arrives (if it does), the impacts are already there
4) Health center and quilombola school: the struggle changes life
5) Curuaúna: on one side, soy. On the other? Soy also
6) A face printed on a T-shirt
7) The motorcycle night
8) [you are here] If well organized, everyone fights

Solidariedade: nota de repúdio ao assassinato de assentados em Nova Santa Rita/RS

Registramos aqui  a nossa solidariedade com a família, o assentamento  Nova Santa Rita de Cássia II (RS) e o MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra) frente ao brutal assassinato dos militantes Adão do Prado e Aírton Luis Rodrigues da Silva. O caso ocorreu na última 5ª feira (30/5)
Exigimos justiça, investigação das causas e punição dos culpados.

Confira abaixo a nota emitida pelo MST:

MST repudia assassinato de assentados e exige justiça

“O Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra no Rio Grande do Sul vem a público informar que nesta quinta-feira (30), dois de seus integrantes, Adão do Prado (59) e Airton Luis Rodrigues da Silva (56), foram assassinados no assentamento Santa Rita de Cássia II, localizado em Nova Santa Rita.

O Movimento repudia qualquer ato de violência, pede investigação das causas e punição dos culpados.

Militantes do MST desde 2000, os companheiros Adão e Airton participaram de muitas lutas por Reforma Agrária, marchas e ocupações até chegar na conquista da terra no ano de 2005.

Participaram ativamente da vida comunitária, da produção agroecológica, e sempre foram solidários. O MST se solidariza com familiares e amigos das vítimas e exige justiça.”

Mais um Guajajara assassinado no MA: Zezico Rodrigues presente

Amigos da Terra Brasil se solidariza e exige justiça para o assassinato da liderança indígena da etnia Guajajara, Zezico Rodrigues. Ele foi morto por um tiro de espingarda, numa emboscada próxima à aldeia Zutiwa nesta terça-feira (31) no município de Arame (MA), segundo confirmou o Conselho Indigenista Missionário (Cimi). Ele era um dos líderes da Terra Indígena Araribóia, diretor do Centro de Educação Escolar Indígena Azuru e professor há 23 anos. 

Desde o início da gestão de Jair Bolsonaro, os ataques aos povos indígenas se intensificaram no país, conforme o relatório Violência Contra os Povos Indígenas do Brasil. Agora, em meio um cenário de pandemia mundial, que se aprofunda em nosso país, nos territórios e invisibiliza a violação sistemática dos direitos dos povos indígenas e a escalada de ataques às suas lideranças e aos seus  modos de vida, é ainda mais revoltante ter que enfrentar tão vil ação, orquestrada por interesses do grande capital no Maranhão. 

Zezico se tornou a principal voz de denúncia dos ataques de madeireiros ilegais na região nos últimos meses, após o assassinato de Paulino Guajajara e as ameaças recebidas por Laércio Guajajara. O líder local Paulino Guajajara, era membro grupo “Guardiões da Floresta”, formado para proteger o território contra madeireiros ilegais, e foi assassinado a tiros em primeiro de novembro de 2019. Ele voltava de um dia de caça acompanhado de outra liderança, Laércio Guajajara, quanto foi surpreendido por tiros nos braços e nas costas. Laércio sobreviveu ao ataque, mas após novas ameaças, teve de deixar a aldeia e ir morar em um novo local não divulgado sob orientação do Programa de Proteção aos Defensores de Direitos Humanos do Governo Federal.

Outros dois indígenas da mesma etnia, Raimundo e Firmino Guajajara, também foram assassinatos no dia 7 de dezembro de 2019. O crime ocorreu no município de Jenipapo dos Vieira, Maranhão, às margens da rodovia BR-226, ao sul da capital São Luís. Na ocasião, outras quatro pessoas ficaram feridas. 

Nós expressamos nossa profunda preocupação, considerando que estes fatos não são isolados. Nos posicionamos junto aos povos originários no pedido por justiça. Nos solidarizamos exigindo que o Ministério Público Federal (MPF), a Defensoria Pública da União (DPU) e a Organização dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB) acionem a Justiça para garantir os direitos indígenas, sobretudo à proteção e demarcação territorial. É imprescindível garantir a proteção à vida e aos territórios indígenas no Brasil, em especial no Maranhão.

A Amigos da Terra Brasil se solidariza com a terra indígena Araribóia, com toda a nação indígena, em especial com o povo Guajajara, pela perda irreparável do companheiro de luta, Zezico Rodrigues Guajajara. Denunciamos mais este assassinato a um defensor dos direitos dos povos e do bem comum. Seguiremos resistindo pela floresta em pé e pelos povos vivos. Zezico Rodrigues presente!

Amigos da Terra Brasil, 01 de abril de 2020.

Leia as notas do Conselho Indigenista Missionário (Cimi) e Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (APIB).

1 ano do assassinato da companheira Dilma: Violação dos direitos povos e a privatização do rio Tocantins

Dilma Ferreira deixou um legado inspirador de perseverança na luta em defesa de seus direitos. Lutou até o último dia de sua vida em defesa de seu território e contra o avanço explorador das empresas transnacionais sobre a Amazônia e seus povos. Em 22 de março de 2019, quando é celebrado o dia internacional da água, a maranhense de 48 anos e coordenadora regional do Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragem (MAB) em Tucuruí (PA), Dilma, foi brutalmente assassinada. Junto a ela, foram executados também o seu companheiro, Claudionor Costa da Silva, e o vizinho do casal, Milton Lopes.

Coordenadora regional do Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragem (MAB) em Tucuruí (PA), Dilma Ferreira (Foto: MAB)

A violência empregada contra a liderança que era Dilma não vem à toa. Eles são assassinados em um contexto de um Brasil pós golpe de Estado de 2016, que intensificou a agenda neoliberal na economia e a sanha de avançar com grandes projetos na região amazônica. A conjuntura se aprofunda em 2019 com o início da gestão de um governo abertamente fascista liderado por um ex-militar saudoso do período ditatorial mais sangrento da história recente do país.

Quatro dias após o assassinato de Dilma, a Polícia Civil do Pará prendeu o fazendeiro Fernando Ferreira Rosa Filho, conhecido como Fernando Shalom, identificado como mandante do assassinato de Dilma. As buscas foram intensificadas depois que três corpos carbonizados foram encontrados a 20 km do local do triplo homicídio. O fazendeiro tornou-se suspeito de ter assassinado as 6 pessoas.

Dilma era atingida pela construção da barragem de Tucuruí. Na coordenação do MAB no Pará, foi protagonista no debate de mulheres atingidas por barragens no Brasil. Dilma Ferreira é a imagem da mulher atingida que foi reconstituída como sujeito de luta em uma região devastada por um grande empreendimento. Ela estabeleceu um marco na resistência histórica em uma região que não foi devidamente reparada em relação aos impactos da construção da barragem de Tucuruí no rio Tocantins.

A região ainda experincia os efeitos históricos da construção da barragem de Tucuruí. Inúmeras comunidades não foram reparadas devido aos impactos da privação do rio Tocantins. O projeto realizado durante o governo militar durou de 1978 até 1980 e expulsou mais de 32 mil pessoas de suas casas. Muitas famílias ainda vivem próximo, desta que é uma das maiores barragens do país, sem acesso a energia elétrica em suas casa e quando a tem pagam uma das tarifas mais caras do país. 

De acordo com a Plataforma Operária e Camponesa para Energia, as contas de luz aumentaram mais de 80% nos últimos dez anos e podem aumentar no mínimo 20% em menos de um ano, caso o plano do governo federal de privatizar a Eletrobrás se concretize. Até hoje, a concessão da barragem é de propriedade estatal. No entanto, há uma forte pressão para que a barragem seja privatizada.

Historicamente, a luta dos afetados por Tucuruí tem sido por reconhecimento e Dilma se colocou nessa frente: “Uma mulher consciente não passa despercebida. E no contexto da Amazônia, todos os que lutam e em processo de resistência acabam sendo perseguidos”, define Cleidiane, da Coordenação Nacional do MAB no Pará. Ela pontua que até hoje as pessoas continuam sendo violadas: “os municípios afetados por Tucuruí têm os mais baixos Índices de Desenvolvimento Humano do Brasil e toda a riqueza gerada não é investida em educação, saúde e melhoria da qualidade de vida, muito menos em infraestrutura para a região”.

No Brasil, construir barragem é sinônimo de violação de direitos humanos. Em 2010, a Secretaria Especial de Direitos Humanos, órgão ligado à Presidência da República, em um Relatório Nacional, comprovou que há um padrão de violação de direitos em obras de barragens no país. Com foco nisso, o MAB vem pautando a Política Nacional dos Atingidos por Barragens (PNAB), resultado de uma longa luta dos atingidos por barragens, que há décadas denunciam as violações e buscam construir um marco legal que possa garantir direitos às vítimas de barragens. O objetivo principal da PNAB é criar uma base legal para populações atingidas por barragens que prevê a definição do conceito de atingido, formas de reparação e a criação de instituições para a organização dos trabalhos.

Para o MAB, define-se população atingida aqueles que sofrem os impactos provocados pela construção, operação ou rompimento de barragens quando há perda da propriedade ou posse de imóvel; desvalorização de imóveis em decorrência de sua localização próxima ou em nível abaixo dessas estruturas; perda da capacidade produtiva das terras e de elementos naturais da paisagem geradores de renda; e perda do produto ou de áreas de exercício da atividade pesqueira ou de manejo de recursos naturais.

Outro elemento que tem intensificado a violação dos direitos na região é a privatização do rio Tocantins sob a forma da construção de hidrovias. Com a barragem de Tucuruí é possível ter maior controle do rio, o que potencializa os interesses para a construção de hidrovias com a finalidade de transportar até os portos as agrocommodities produzidos na região para exportação. A dragagem, necessária para a construção das hidrovias, assim como o fluxo de embarcações carregados de grãos causará impactos na vida das comunidades que vivem com o rio Tocantins: morte dos peixes, assoreamento dos rios, entre outros reflexos.

Os atingidos por barragens não têm suas condições de melhoria de vida asseguradas no processo de construção das barragens, e acabam se tornando uma população extremamente vulnerável. Soma-se a isso o verdadeiro estado de exceção vigente no Brasil e, em especial, na Amazônia brasileira. Na região em que a Dilma vivia, assim como em grande parte da Amazônia, há um contexto similar: a disputa pela ocupação da terra, conflito entre pequeno agricultores e comunidades tradicionais com os grandes fazendeiros (gado e agrocommodities) e grandes empreendimentos.

O que aconteceu com Dilma é resultado da política sistemática de extermínio dos defensores dos territórios e os direitos dos povos que vem sendo executada no Brasil. As ações são carregadas de injustiça e impunidade contra as/os lutadoras/res. Empresários e acionistas internacionais com o apoio do Estado estão dispostos a exterminar os seres humanos e o patrimônio ambiental para garantir o lucro dentro do modelo de acumulação e desapropriação. Com a ascensão do neoliberalismo sob os territórios se intensifica a luta e resistência em defesa da vida e dos direitos. Consequentemente, a perseguição a todas e todos que se levantam contra esta lógica de extermínio. Todo esse contexto de lucro global, resulta em violências locais, muitas vezes, sanguinárias como o assassinato de Dilma.

Na foto, a ex-presidente Dilma Rousseff ao lado de Dilma Ferreira da Silva em audiência no Palácio do Planalto, em 2011 (Foto: Leandro Silva/MAB)

Nós somos as verdadeiras Marias, guerreiras, lutadoras que estão aí no desafio da luta do dia a dia”, disse Dilma Ferreira às mulheres atingidas na ocasião do encontro nacional de 2011 do MAB. Ela deixa um legado da luta da mulher amazônica, que resistiu até o fim de sua vida, que seguiu lutando para garantir os direitos dos povos. Independentemente do tamanho do inimigo, ousou continuar a luta. Mulher aguerrida, Dilma era também mãe, deixou uma filha de 24 anos. 

Por Dilma, por sua luta, continuamos lutando!

Águas para vida, não para morte!

Para celebrar a memória da vida e da luta de Dilma, conversamos com Soniamara Maranho, Tchenna Maso e Cleidiane Vieira, companheiras da Coordenação Nacional da Movimento de Atingidos por Barragens (MAB), sobre a situação dos defensores dos direitos dos povos no Brasil e o contexto atual na região de Tucuruí. Ouça aqui.

Pescador é baleado no rosto na Baía da Guanabara

Tiros de balas de borracha partiram de oficiais da Marinha, que perseguiram pescadores que estavam próximos a terminais de gás e petróleo. Com informações da Ahomar (Associação Homens e Mulheres do Mar).


Na noite do último sábado (8/3), dois pescadores foram perseguidos e alvejados com tiros de balas de borracha na Baía da Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro. Eles pescavam próximos a área de Marinha e a terminais de gás e petróleo. Os tiros partiram de oficiais da Marinha. Edilson Aderaldo Marques Filho, um dos fundadores da Ahomar, foi atingido duas vezes na cabeça – uma delas próximo ao olho – e uma na costela. Ele foi atendido em hospital na cidade de Duque de Caxias e passa bem, embora a visão esteja comprometida.

Imagem Edilson, atingido na cabeça por oficiais da Marinha enquanto pescava na Baía da Guanabara.

Em território em disputa – há grande interesse de petroleiras na região -, os pescadores artesanais da região sofrem há anos com violência, perseguição e ameaças. Hoje, apenas 12% de seu território é livre para a atividade pesqueira. Além da limitação espacial, pescadoras e pescadores têm ainda de conviver com a poluição inerente às atividades da indústria petroleira, que torna quase impossível o sustento das famílias que dependem da pesca.

Abaixo, veja vídeo gravado na noite do ataque pelo irmão de Edilson, que o acompanhava na pesca e não teve ferimentos. Após filmar a ação militar, sofreu ainda ameaças e quase teve o celular apreendido:

Em visita recente à região, junto à Ahomar e à Fase, gravamos estes depoimentos, que explicitam estes ataques sistemáticos aos pescadores da região (e aqui um texto produzido à época). A visita foi parte da campanha por áreas livres de petróleo Nem Um Poço A Mais:

Também este vídeo da Pública aborda os conflitos na região da Baía da Guanabara:

Amigos da Terra Brasil sofre ataque do governo Bolsonaro

Ameaça de despejo da organização socioambiental é mais um ataque a quem defende os direitos dos povos e do meio ambiente no Brasil

#CasanatResiste #AmigosdaTerraExiste

Há mais de 50 anos em atividade, a Amigos da Terra Brasil vem sofrendo desde novembro de 2019 uma tentativa de despejo do imóvel que ocupa na Rua Olavo Bilac, em Porto Alegre, capital do Rio Grande do Sul. A ordem vem da Secretaria Especial de Desestatização, Desinvestimento e Mercados do Ministério da Economia, responsável pela gestão do Patrimônio da União no governo Bolsonaro. O imóvel, que é cedido pela União à Amigos da Terra desde 2004, também sedia o Centro de Documentação Magda Renner, uma vasta biblioteca e memorial da história do ambientalismo brasileiro e gaúcho.

O contrato de cessão do local prevê renovações automáticas a cada oito anos, sob a condição de que a Amigos da Terra se comprometa com a recuperação e a manutenção da área, que era antes nada mais que uma edificação precária em um terreno abandonado. E assim tem sido feito: a Casanat, como é chamada a casa recuperada (da sigla Criação em arquitetura Sócio-Ambiental para o núcleo Amigos da Terra), tornou-se um centro de referência para práticas sustentáveis em meio urbano no coração de Porto Alegre. Além das reconstruções estruturais, ali foram instaladas diversas tecnologias sociais, desde o “círculo de bananeiras”, que beneficia o saneamento sustentável, até o uso de cisternas para a captação da água da chuva, usada depois no sistema interno da casa. O acervo do centro de documentação é aberto ao público, para consulta, e já foi visitado por diversas pesquisadoras e pesquisadores para que aprofundassem seus estudos sobre o tema socioambiental.

Inimigo dos povos que defendem a natureza – povos originários, campesinos, quilombolas, quebradeiras de coco, seringueiras e seringueiros, entre outros -, Bolsonaro ataca também as organizações que defendem essa bandeira, a da natureza e dos direitos dos povos. A súbita notificação de rescisão do contrato de cessão, entregue pessoalmente pelo superintendente da pasta de desestatização no Rio Grande do Sul, Gladstone Themóteo Menezes Brito da Silva, e a negativa a todas tentativas de diálogo feitas desde então apenas reforçam a tese de que este é um ataque político à Amigos da Terra Brasil e a todas e todos que dedicam suas vidas na luta por justiça ambiental e contra todas as formas de opressão.

Em fevereiro, foi entregue um extenso dossiê ao superintendente que comprova a recuperação do imóvel e seu evidente uso de interesse público, com a realização de diversos eventos ao longo dos últimos anos, como palestras, oficinas, feiras e rodas de conversa. O material foi prontamente ignorado e persiste a ameaça de despejo. Nos próximos dias, seguiremos o único caminho possível frente a um governo que se nega a dialogar, que é a judicialização.

Você pode ajudar de diferentes formas! Algumas sugestões:

1) Assine nesse link o abaixo-assinado em solidariedade à Amigos da Terra;
2) Nos envie uma carta institucional de apoio. Modelo aqui
3) Compartilhe os conteúdos que publicarmos nas suas redes pessoais e das organizações a que pertence, sempre usando as hashtags #CasanatResiste e #AmigosDaTerraExiste e marcando @amigosdaterrabr
4) Publique vídeos prórios (pode ser no Stories do Instagram!) falando sobre a importância da Casanat e da atuação da Amigos da Terra Brasil. Ao publicar, marque o nosso perfil @amigosdaterrabr – assim poderemos republicar o conteúdo em nossas páginas também!
5) Vem nos visitar! Em breve divulgaremos uma série de atividades previstas para as próximas semanas, com mostra de filmes, debates e rodas de conversa. Seguiremos nossas atividades para manter o caráter público do imóvel recuperado e devolvido à sociedade pela Amigos da Terra Brasil, após décadas de abandono por parte da União.

Aqui mais informações sobre a CaSAnAT

A intenção de Bolsonaro é desarticular, mas o tiro sairá pela culatra: unidos na solidariedade, vamos transformar mais esse ataque em oportunidade para denunciar a morbidez desse governo fascista e fortalecer a luta dos povos por seus direitos!

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